Privacy Policy

The group consisting of SiriusVision Co., Ltd. and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) is responsible for protecting the privacy and personal information of customers (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Personal Information”). We have established the following Personal Information protection policy regarding the handling of Personal Information, considering that it is the basis of our business activities and the social responsibility of the Group, and we are working to ensure it is thorough.

Privacy Policy

The Group recognizes the value and usefulness of customer’s Personal Information and implements the following Personal Information protection policy in the business activities of the Group.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations.
    We will comply with laws and regulations regarding Personal Information and other norms.
  2. Clarification of purpose of use and prohibition of use for other purposes.
    When customers provide Personal Information, we will clarify the purpose in advance and limit the use within the scope of the same purpose. If it becomes necessary to use your Personal Information beyond the scope of the purpose specified when you provide your Personal Information, we will notify you in advance of the purpose.
    If you do not agree to the new purpose, you may refuse such use at your own discretion. If you do not wish to provide Personal Information to the Group, you may, at your own discretion, not provide personal information. (However, if Personal Information is indispensable for providing the service, it may not be possible to provide the service.)
  3. Non-disclosure and non-provision of customer’s Personal Information to third parties.
    Personal Information provided by customers will not be disclosed or provided to third parties except in the following cases.
    1. With your consent
    2. When the Group determines that it is appropriate for the Group’s business offices and group companies to respond based on the content of the inquiry
    3. When presenting necessary information to financial institutions by credit card payment, etc. when paying for products and services
    4. When disclosure of Personal Information is required by legal order, etc.
    5. When business is succeeded due to merger, company split, business transfer or other reasons
  4. Inquiries concerning the Personal Information.
    If you would like to confirm your Personal Information, please contact the business office or group company that provided your Personal Information. In order to prevent the leakage of your Personal Information to a third party, we will inform the customer’s personal information stored by the Group after verifying the identity of the applicant. If your Personal Information is incorrect or changed, we will correct or delete inaccurate or outdated information at your request.
  5. Security measures against risks related to Personal Information.
    We will take reasonable security measures against risks related to Personal Information such as unauthorized access, leakage, loss, destruction, and falsification.
  6. Development of Personal Information protection system.
    We will establish and implement the protection of Personal Information, and will continue to review and improve it.

Enactment date July 1, 2019
SiriusVision Co., Ltd.
CEO Jun-ichi Tsujitani

Purpose of use of Personal Information

  1. Application for transactions between customers/business partners and the Group, confirmation of customers/business partners in the Group, consideration/judgment of transactions, conclusion of contracts, fulfillment/management/cancellation of contracts processing after cancellation
  2. To notify improvements in products and services provided to customers and related products and services. To respond to inquiries and requests from customers/business partners
  3. To confirm or make inquiries regarding products and services provided by business partners
  4. For the shareholders of the Group to exercise their rights, fulfill their obligations, and implement various measures that contribute to smooth communication with the Group based on the Companies Act, to create data according to prescribed standards based on various laws and regulations, and to promote understanding and mutual understanding of shareholders in the Group
  5. To introduce the Group’s exhibitions and seminars, provide information, request questionnaires, and report the results to those who cooperated with or participated in surveys and various events. To confirm the visit and admission of visitors to the Group
  6. For the Group’s recruitment activities such as accepting applications, contacting applicants, notifying the results, etc
  7. To inform the certified public accountants, lawyers, and tax accountants who are involved in the business activities of the Group
  8. To make necessary communications to the group companies of the Group in order to carry out our business other than the above-mentioned purposes
  9. To contact the retirees of the Group from the Group. To contact the families of the Group employees
  10. To mutually provide information necessary for contracts and carrying out tasks with cooperating employees, fixed-term employees, dispatched employees, and part-time employees of the Group
  11. Personal Information provided for contracted business performed within the scope of the Group’s business purposes
  12. Other business incidental to or related to the above purpose of use

The Group may provide Personal Information to a third party with the consent of the individual, or jointly use the handling of Personal Information with a third party such as a group company, within the scope necessary to achieve the above purpose of use. When Personal Information is acquired or used for other purposes mentioned above, we will take measures for notification or publication separately.

Request for Personal Information disclosure

The Group responds to requests for (1) disclosure, (2) notification of purpose of use, (3) correction, (4) additional request, (5) erasure, and (6) suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties of the customer’s own Personal Information held by the Group. Customers may be required to bear various expenses for requesting disclosure and notification of purpose of use.

Inquiries about Personal Information

  1. For inquiries about your own Personal Information, please contact the business office or group company where you registered your Personal Information.
    Click here for a list of offices and group companies
  2. If you have any inquiries regarding the privacy policy in general, or if you do not know the registration window, please contact us at the following.

    Shinyokohama Chitose Kanko Daini Bldg 5F
    2-4-17 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 222-0033
    Phone number: 045-595-9288
    Reception hours: 9:00am-5:00pm


  1. This “Privacy Policy” is about the handling of Personal Information by SiriusVision Co., Ltd. in Japan. The Group’s overseas distributors are not covered.
  2. Please note that some services provided by the Group (including services on the website operated by the Group) may not be available if the customer does not provide Personal Information.
  3. Customers under the age of 16 are kindly requested to provide their Personal Information with the consent of their parents. (Elementary school students and junior high school students should have a good discussion with their parents/guardians.)
  4. When you call the Group, we may record the contents of the call in order to improve the quality of the in-house telephone response and to accurately grasp the contents of the inquiry.
  5. The Group may use cookies to provide better service on our website. Please see below for details.
    About Cookies
  6. The Group cannot be held responsible for ensuring the security of your Personal Information on the websites of other companies that link to the Group’s website.
  7. The Group will notify you of any important changes or notices on this site.
  8. The Group may revise the Personal Information protection policy in order to better protect the Personal Information of customers or due to changes in the laws and regulations that Japan should follow.